RE: inline CSS (was: is anyone interested in XHTML?)

Murray Altheim wrote:

(quoting Arjun quoting some guy on Deja):

>     <TD align=left vAlign=top><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:rect id=_x0000_s1025
>     style="HEIGHT: 8.25pt; MARGIN-LEFT: 16.5pt; MARGIN-TOP: 3pt;
>     POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 9pt; Z-INDEX: 1"
>     coordsize = "21600,21600" o:insetmode = "auto" filled = "f"
>     fillcolor = "winColor(1)" strokecolor = "winColor(1)"><v:fill
>     color2 = "winColor(17)"></v:fill><x:ClientData
>     ObjectType="Rect"><x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>
>     </x:ClientData></v:rect><![endif]--><![if !vml]><span style='mso-
>     ignore:vglayout;position:
>     absolute;z-index:0;margin-left:22px;margin-
>     top:4px;width:13px;height:12px'><img
>     width=13 height=12 src="./generic_req_files/image003.gif"
>     v:shapes="_x0000_s1025"></span><![endif]><SPAN
>     style="mso-ignore: vglayout2">
> Quoting myself: 'what nonsense'.

Quoting no doubt somebody: 'Amen'.

> Ahhhh, thanks for the clue. Now I understand where all the fuss
> has been coming from. This has been, as I suspected, all an argument
> to use corrupted XML/XHTML as a layout language within Microsoft
> Office 2000. I guessed pretty well, eh?

Uh, I'd say the *least* of that poor guy's headache is the style attribute.

Incidentally, last year I asked an XML evangelist at Microsoft why the Office
folks had put out such an atrocity.  His reply was that "it worked for them
internally".  He was, believe it or not, embarrassed by it in the same way an
American might get embarrassed, say, by his countrymen who bomb Serb or Kosovar
civilians, or who commit Mylai massacres.

Furthermore, he relished the idea of XHTML "blowing them all away".  So much for
the Great Microsoft Monolith.

Some of Microsoft's marketing groups play ball hard and -- according to the
wounded -- dirty, but the X-Files is loosing a bit of its lustre, don't you

Or to quote James Clark on another issue[1]:

	Bashing Microsoft is good, clean fun, but they're right on this.

[1] from memory -- the XSL-list archive has been missing-in-action for months.


Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2000 20:30:40 UTC