Re: review process [was: identify...]

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Dan Connolly wrote:

> Arjun Ray wrote:

> > Haven't you figured out why *your* dissents have to be recorded, but -
> > say - *mine* don't?
> Yours have to be recorded too.

Nope.  I (R in the diagram) can't even expect a response from E within
a time frame suitable to *me*.  Even if I do get a response (for which
I will be very grateful), it would suffice for the response to say
that the WG voted unanimously not to act on my request and, in all
courtesy, provide a rationale.  Game Over - please deposit $0.50...

That's the good news.  The bad news is that I find out about this when
it has gone to CR/PR/whatever.

Now, figure out why this is *normal* for me, but - somehow! - not for
you.  (Hint: W#C processes are *closed*)


Received on Friday, 18 February 2000 09:43:40 UTC