Hi, this is a semi-automated response to your attempted e-mail to , the www-html discussion list. Your message was not sent to the list, because I decided it is off-topic for this particular list. www-html is a public mailing list intended to be used for technical discussion among those interested in enhancing the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or building systems that support HTML. It is explicitly intended for the collaborative design of new systems, software, protocols, and documentation which may be useful to the HTML developer community. General questions and "how do I...?" questions should be sent elsewhere, such as: Usenet newsgroups comp.infosystems.www.*: http://vader.boutell.com/%7Egrant/web-groups.html HTML Writers Guild discussion lists http://www.hwg.org/lists/ For general information about W3C-hosted discussion lists, including information on subscribing/unsubscribing and how to access our public archives, see: World Wide Web Mailing Lists http://www.w3.org/Mail/Lists Thanks, and good luck! Gerald www-html list maintainer