RE: html and dreamweaver

I would say if you want to increase productivity that Homesite is a very
good choice.  

If, you set tag and function insight to zero seconds you instantly get a
drop down box that starts at the key you typed.  I am able to type the tags
to set up a table in half of less strokes then it would take to do it by
hand...  It allows you to drag and drop your images into the code and it
writes the HTML for you, all you need to do is type in some ALT text.  It
has a great thumbnail view of your working images, has a really nice CSS
editor that you can instantly get to (bradsoft CSS Lite), has a few
javascripts, integrates very nicely with HTML Tidy, browsers, dreamweaver,
linkbot, etc.  

It has one downside, if you are typing a lot of javascript it will give you
insight that doens't pertain, then again this an HTML list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcelo Perrone []
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: html and dreamweaver

I use TextPad ( to write all my HTML.  And I used to agree
100% with all of you guys who dont like dreamweaver until I was invited to
write an article about Dreamweaver 3 extensibility capabilities. Than I had
to go all over the software documentation and began to look closer to it.

One day I came to my coworkers and asked what is that they don't like about
dreamweaver and none of them could say something that couldn't be solved
with a good software preferences configuration and some playing with its
objects. And still, things like indenting and etc are ridiculously simple to

Listen, I'm not a Macromedia employee under desguise.  I dont'even like
dreamweaver that much but, I am looking for a way of enhancing productivity
without giving up quality. I am not telling anyone it is a good software, I
just want to raise a point that is in my mind since the 3rd version: is
there a really good reason for not adopting it?

It's not a dare, it's just a question: have any of you guys who dont like
dreamweaver ever had a close look at it and TRIED to make it fit your (mine
too!) quality standards?

The biggest problem I see is that, when mis-used (i dont know if it is
correct english, but you guys know what i mean) by people who don't
understand all the HTML thing,  it really can generate bad code.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip TAYLOR" <>
To: <>
Cc: "sir_tuba" <>; "www-html" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: html and dreamweaver

> Corporate so-called wisdom!  But in all honesty, although
> I have hand-crafted HTML ever since I started in this
> game, my productivity /has/ improved since using HM PRO
> & DW, and the JavaScript of the latter is clearly the
> result of considerable research into the nuances of the
> most popular browsers...
> ** Phil.

Received on Monday, 11 December 2000 12:47:28 UTC