XHTML 1.1 driver and customization files

I may just be missing something, but I can't find any description of the
role played by the driver file.  The glossary of Modularization of XHTML

>a generally short file used to declare and instantiate the modules 
>of a DTD. A good rule of thumb is that a DTD driver contains no 
>markup declarations that comprise any part of the document model 

At the same time, there's an enormous 'customizations' file alongside the
driver file
that contains most of the .class entities - lots of document model content,
used throughout the modules, but not exactly a module itself.  (It's linked
in with .mod, however.)

Is there an explanation of this lurking somewhere in the three drafts?

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
Cookies / Sharing Bandwidth

Received on Friday, 7 April 2000 15:36:32 UTC