RE: "Presentational" vs. "Legacy"

> From:	Jan Roland Eriksson []
> This is the curse of xml, and that curse is valid for HTML too.
> There's no sufficiently clear description on what elements stands for,
> and obscure element names helps a lot to muddle up things even more.
	[DJW:]  I don't think this is the real problem; the
	real problem is that most HTML authors think
	WYSIWYG, not structure.

> E.g. DocBook is nice reading if one wants to see a strong contrasting
> example. A vast number of really _understandable_ element names, paired
> with a description of "processing expectations" for each one of them.
	[DJW:] I think docbook like systems would be
	considered too "geeky" by the vast majority of
	content authors (this is a criticism of the authors
	more than anything) - one of the Unix FAQs is how
	to write man pages without understanding how to
	write man pages (and man pages still have a lot of
	more or less physical markup).

	Whilst believing that what consumers need is deep
	structure documents, I think what would best meet
	the wants of most authors is a page description
	language, not a markup language.

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2000 08:22:02 UTC