The BODY element and inline content

I feel like I'm missing something...
For the BODY element, the HTML 3.2 DTD contains the following:

   <!ENTITY % body.content "(%heading | %text | %block | ADDRESS)*">

   <!ELEMENT BODY O O  %body.content>

And the HTML 4.0 DTD has this:

  <!ELEMENT BODY O O (%block;|SCRIPT)+ +(INS|DEL) -- document body -->

For reference, the HTML 4.0 DTD defines %inline and %block as follows:

  <!ENTITY % inline
     "#PCDATA | %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %special; | %formctrl;">

  <!ENTITY % block
     "P | %heading; | %list; | %preformatted; | DL | DIV | NOSCRIPT |

  The changes for the BODY declaration between DTD's aren't mentioned
anywhere in Appendix A for the HTML 4 spec, nor is it acknowledged in
the HTML 4.01 spec.
  If this is true, does this mean that in HTML 4 you cannot use any
inline elements (aside from INS or DEL) or PCDATA directly in the BODY
element? If so, the following would be invalid:

    <a href="">This link is invalid.</a>
    This is invalid, too&reg;!

Is there something I'm not getting here?

     /_/ /  /o / /
    / / /  /  / /   Mark Cidade
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  /  \/\  \_/\/\_X/                       ^^^^

p.s. the HTML 4.0 proposed recommendation dated Nov. 7, 1997 had this:

       <!ELEMENT BODY O O (%flow;)* +(INS|DEL) -- document body -->

       <!ENTITY % flow "%block; | %inline;">

Received on Wednesday, 3 November 1999 23:34:04 UTC