On Fri, 21 May 1999, Rick Jelliffe wrote:

> 2.1.6 SGML Newline Handling Requirements, says
>   Resolution: The document relies upon XML for its definition of whitespace
>   handling. This includes handling of line boundaries. No change to
>   the document is required
> However, XML 1.0 only allows "preserve" or "default", where "default" is
> undefined, but may be the SGML behaviour. Because of this, the XHTML draft
> cannot rely on XML for its definition of whitespace handling for "default".
> Suggestion: XHTML should follow SGML.

Wouldn't XHTML actually have to use XML's xml:space="preserve"? The
stylesheet would then say to collapse white-space (e.g., using CSS's
'white-space' property). If this isn't done, then surely there would be no
way for white-space in CSS to work since the spaces would have been
collapsed before getting as far as the renderer.

On the other hand if the SGML default is used, I would recommend reading
these three posts to www-html from last February:

Ian Hickson 
U+2642 U+2651
U+262E U+2603 U+263A

Received on Friday, 21 May 1999 09:34:52 UTC