Re: XHTML Case Poll is online

At 03:26 PM 2/28/99 -0800, Walter Ian Kaye wrote:

> PS. Should this poll be publicized further? If so, that's ok by me!

Speaking for myself, not as a working group member, I think that would be
highly counter-productive. It's already been indicated here that the issue
is highly unlikely to change now that it's been made, and for very specific
interoperability reasons. 

Putting up a poll only suggests to people that this decision hasn't been
made or incorporated, and/or the working group is actively seeking comment
on it at this time. None of these situations are currently true (comments
on the case issue were appropriate in the previous release -- which, if not
posted here (to which I can't address), was widely disseminated elsewhere). 


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Received on Monday, 1 March 1999 09:23:49 UTC