Re: XHTML & Mozquito


> >>Even so, a German company released a new product today that contains an
> >>XHTML tool that checks for valid and well-formed XML/XHTML.

my name is Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer, I'm a member of the 
HTML working group and I'm leading that german company. A 
couple of people on this list already know me well. I just wanted to 
explain why this happened:

> >>
> >
> >Hmm...
> >
> >
> >
> >results in
> >
> >                                     ','MOZQUTIO.ORG - Mozquito',' (p1 of 36)
> >
> >    ]*>$/.test(txt)) };function iscompl(txt) { return (/\/>$/.test(txt))
> >    };function isopen(txt) { return (/^<(\w.*)?[^\/]>/.test(txt))
> >    };function isclose(txt) { return (/^<\//.test(txt)) };function
> >    ishtml(txt) { return (/^<\/?html:/.test(txt)) };var tmpVal = "";var
> >    tagOpen = false;var tagComplete = false;var first = true;for (var i=0;

Short answer:

Directly go to:

to download the Mozquito Factory 1.2 to author and validate 
XHTML documents.

Long answer:

We are using one of our new XHTML-FML forms to collect name 
and email address when visitors go through the main page and 
then click on the download link.

XHTML-FML is an XHTML family member, built upon the 
Modularization of XHTML. Apart from validating XHTML 1.0 
documents, the Mozquito Factory gives authors access to a new 
namespace of five Forms Markup Language (FML) modules in 
XHTML. The FML modules already provide some of the functionality 
currently being developed for the next generation of web forms in 

How can one make 14 new tags work in existing browsers? We 
have developed a mechanism that automatically transforms a well-
formed XHTML-FML document into a complex cross-browser 
JavaScript application (Mozquito), making it possible to process 
XHTML-FML documents on the client.

While 90% of the browsers out there can now understand new 
markup languages with this new mechanism, browsers lacking a 
JavaScript implementation or users who have turned off JavaScript 
will get errors. In the near future, there will be a fallback 
mechanism, transforming XHTML-FML 1.0 documents into 
backwards-compatible XHTML 1.0 documents via XSLT on the fly, 
solving this problem.


Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer

Stack Overflow AG
Phone: +49-89-767363-70

Received on Wednesday, 1 December 1999 09:36:20 UTC