RE: Geographic tagging of HTML pages

Instead of adding prefixes to the lat. long., why not just add another meta
<Meta name="geo.planet" content="planet name">

This doesn't solve the problem of extraterrestrial lat. long., but it seems
as though there aren't yet enough pages dealing with a specific location on
another planet to worry about that now.  If it becomes an issue, we could
just specify the name of the place as a country, since they aren't exactly a
country that exists on Earth in the terms that we are used to.

		Keith Starling

| -----Original Message-----
| From: []On Behalf
| Of Alan Derrick
| Sent: Tuesday, 13 April, 1999 10:20 PM
| To:
| Subject: Re: Geographic tagging of HTML pages -
| draft-daviel-html-geo-tag-00.txt
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: Daniel Hiester <>
| >It would not even work to say
| > that Mars has a "planet index" of Sol4, and Earth a planet
| index of Sol3,
| > because Pluto and Neptune do alternate their positions in distance from
| Sol.
| Unfortunately poor Pluto is in danger of being stripped of it's planetary
| title to sub-object (moon I suppose, though the orbit still seems odd) of
| Neptune.  (Not to heckle, it is fun playing sci-fi for the time.)
| For the geographical tags, what would be the problem in using current lat.
| long. grid method?  It would be easily applied to other planets, possibly
| using a simple prefix to the coordinates.  I suppose it would require some
| standardized understanding of north and south poles as they apply to other
| planets.
| Alan (not quite sure what he's talking about, but it's fun.)
| Alan Derrick
| John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences
| University of North Dakota
| Grand Forks, ND
| Homepage:
| or
| ICQ #3380315

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 1999 23:04:24 UTC