Re: OBJECT, inheritance, and rendering

Braden N. McDaniel wrote:

>Note: That URL refers to the Proposed Recommendation. The matching section
>in the Recommendation can be found here:
> <>

Thanks for reminding me my bookmarks need updating.

>I still perceive the problem I mentioned with monochromatic inclusions
>as text files). Section 13.5 of the HTML spec appears to speak only to the
>inclusion of other HTML files. Besides, I maintain that it would be a Good
>Idea to treat monochromatic inclusions uniformly where color is concerned.

Text inclusions via OBJECT are generally useless without standardized
rendering. What treatment would be most useful to authors? Should a text
OBJECT be the client-side equivalent of a server-side include -- a means to
assemble content fragments at display time?

David Perrell

Received on Monday, 3 August 1998 12:36:33 UTC