Re: Nested Lists

   On Wed, 11 Mar 1998, Fredrik Wangel wrote:

   > My list was in principle constructed as follows:
   >    <ul>
   >       <li>Heading</li>
   >       <ul>
   >          <li>Subitem</li>
   >          <li>Subitem</li>
   >       </ul>
   >    </ul>

   My guess is that the list must be contained within a list element like this:

I don't see why anyone has to guess. The DTDs are all quite clear that
UL (and OL) can only contain LIs (except that HTML3 allows LH as well
and HTML Pro adds HR). LIs can containa variety of other things,
including more lists.

   > ... and another thing:
   > Why is there no List Header <lh></lh> element?

What I said.


Received on Wednesday, 22 April 1998 10:16:43 UTC