Re: HTML4.0 draft: comments re: inclusion of frames (fwd)

In article <l03110701b03cbfe1fc5e@[]>,
Jordan Reiter <> wrote:
> I am sick, sick, *sick* of this holier-than-thou attitude that seems to say
> that anyone who every made a page that *looked* like something is a peice
> of crap and is responsible for turning the web into a peice of bloated
> waste.

The problem is more that the *methods* used to create "good looking"
websites suck. This, combined with the apparent willingness of most
authors to use these crappy extensions to get something that looks
decent in an otherwise boring browser, is what gets out the "holier-than-
thou" attitude. There *are* good solutions to this, but they're not
implemented, and 'designers' who feel happy with using the half-baked
solutions are primarily responsible for keeping the situation as it
is now.

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Received on Thursday, 11 September 1997 13:07:41 UTC