Re: Extending URL syntax for framesets?

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, E. Stephen Mack wrote:

> A key limitation with the use of frames (acknowledged by
> the HTML 4.0 draft) is that currently URLs can only point
> to an initial frameset and not a particular instance of
> a frameset (after links have been followed and the contents
> of different frames have changed).

> I'm not sure if any separators are available that are not
> already compromised or overloaded.  For now, I'm going
> to suggest the question mark even though it is fraught with
> other meaning -- so that I overload the GET URL format
> even further, but at least I know it's a valid URL syntax.
> (I'm open to suggestion.)

I think if anything, you better overload "#" than "?".
The part after "?" is sent to the server, the part after "#" is
not. In your case, it's the browser that has to disentangle
the additional information and load the various frames.

An additional advantage is that the syntaxt after "#" is not
very abused yet, so that it is easier to introduce new conventions.

Regards,	Martin.

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 1997 08:19:04 UTC