Re: [HTML 4.0 draft] (further) comments on ACRONYM

Aymeric Poulain Maubant <>
 on Fri, 11 Jul 1997 wrote:

> What about a 'declare' attribute for acronym then ?
> <!ELEMENT ACRONYM - - (%inline)*>
>   declare     (declare)  #IMPLIED  -- declare but don't instantiate flag --   
>   %attrs;                -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
>   >
> We could then have declarations of widely used acronyms the first time
> they are used in a document, or declarations listed in a LINKed dictionnary :

The first time an ACRONYM is used would declare it, though a LINK 
referring to definitions, or optional ID attributes to differentiate 
between conflicts would help.

A <LINK REL=MetaDefs HREF=...> in the HEAD element, with expanded and
shared definitions for ACRONYMs, PERSONs, PLACEs, CITEs, et cetera.

Hm... mental gears are moving here.

Robert Rothenburg Walking-Owl (
Se habla PGP.

Received on Friday, 11 July 1997 08:13:31 UTC