Re: My humble comments on the HTML 4.0 draft

At 11:39a -0400 07/09/97, Dave Raggett wrote:
 > > <LINK REL=next REV=previous HREF="ff6.html">
 > > <LINK REL=previous REV=next HREF="ff4.html">
 > > <LINK REL=TOC HREF="ffindex.html">
 > > -- --
 > >
 > > Anyhow, I'm very confused now.
 > My apologies. The Tuesday draft failed to include the most upto
 > date version of the revelant file in which this was cleared up.
 > Basically, both "previous" and "prev" are used and are essentially
 > interchangeable.

Funny how we don't have a "nextious"... :-)

 > links, and in any case many people view underlining as bad
 > typography - a hang over from type writers -

Umm... I think you mean "hold over". (Well, maybe unless the
typewriter innards were cleaned with the wrong alcohol... ;-)

  Walter Ian Kaye <boo_at_best*com>    Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Thursday, 10 July 1997 01:36:52 UTC