Re: HTML Streaming

[Albert Fine]
> (Walter Ian Kaye) wrote:
> >Not without knowing the font METRICS, and to know that, you'd have
> >to embed the fonts.
> My point is that it could be described. That is what the events tag
> is for.

Font metrics are determined by the *user's preferences*.  The
served-out document can not describe that.  There is no way to know
that your paragraph is going to take up 12 pixels on my really-wide
Lynx display, or that the same paragraph will take up 7 vertical
inches on my nearsighted granny's WebTV display.  Or that it will take
30 seconds on my buddy Phil's screen reader.  The server has no
meaningful way of describing the physical extent of a textual

To avoid this continuing circular discussion, Albert, please take this
simple HTML document:

<title>Sample HTML</title>
<link rev="made" href="">
<meta name="keywords" value="test stream albertfine crism html">
<p>This is a paragraph.
<img src="foo.gif">
<p>That was a graphic.
<tr><td>Here's a table cell.</td>
<td>And here's another.</td></tr>
<tr><td><td>And yet another, but somewhat longer, in fact quite a bit
longer cell.</td>

Please show, in a concrete example, how this document or its HTTP
headers would change, and how a browser's rendering behavior could be
expected to change in response.

<!ENTITY crism PUBLIC "-//O'Reilly//NONSGML Christopher R. Maden//EN"
"<URL> <TEL>+1.617.499.7487
<USMAIL>90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA" NDATA SGML.Geek>

Received on Saturday, 30 August 1997 17:03:26 UTC