Scrolling (Was: THEAD & TFOOT for columns)

At 07:16 16/08/97 GMT, Dave Salovesh wrote:
>Walter sent this to the www-html list:
>>scrolling. I think this is based on gravity; if you go back in
>>time to when scribes published on actual *scrolls*, the scroll
>>orientation was usually vertical -- you could drop the lower
>>scroll to the ground and then read whilst operating only the
>>upper scroll. Try that with horizontal papyrus and your neck
>>will hurt. ;)
>I guess the principle of gravity escaped the wisdom of the Jews. ;)

This is only practical with relatively short scrolls. Don't forget these
things are heavier than paper. 

Large texts are usually written in columns and mounted on wooden mounts on
the left and right. You open the scroll in the place you want by rolling
the handles, and then as you read along, every time you finish a column or
two you turn the handles a little to get a few more columns.

There are several mounting arrangements, but the principle is the same.


Received on Saturday, 16 August 1997 05:13:48 UTC