Characters in attribute values

I've had a look at the SGML declaration in the HTML 4 draft
and noticed the following:

         NAMING   LCNMSTRT ""
                  UCNMSTRT ""
                  LCNMCHAR ".-"    -- ?include "~/_" for URLs? --
                  UCNMCHAR ".-"

So, how about that idea? Maybe ":" should be included as well
then, though, for dealing with absolute URLs. (Perhaps "."
and "/" could even be allowed as start characters too?) Would
such constructions cause any problems, for certain older
browsers or in some other regard?
  |__|   /   \\ (no frames)
  |  |/|/     \\
Holger Wahlen  \\       

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 1997 13:32:27 UTC