What happened with <td width=> in Cougar?

What happened to de width en height attributes for <TD>/<TH> in 
Cougar? According to the DTD's it is included in Wilbur but not in 

I found this when I was checking a page with the new Cougar DTD after 
it already validated with the Wilbur DTD.

Quote from the Wilbur DTD:

<!ATTLIST (th|td)          -- header or data cell --
nowrap (nowrap)  #IMPLIED  -- suppress word wrap --
rowspan NUMBER   1         -- number of rows spanned by cell --
colspan NUMBER   1         -- number of cols spanned by cell --
%cell.halign;              -- horizontal alignment in cell --
%cell.valign;              -- vertical alignment in cell --
width   %Pixels  #IMPLIED  -- suggested width for cell --
height  %Pixels  #IMPLIED  -- suggested height for cell -->

Quote from the Cougar DTD:

<!ATTLIST (TH|TD)                -- header or data cell --
%attrs;                          -- id, class, style, lang, dir... --
axis        CDATA      #IMPLIED  -- defaults to cell content --
axes        CDATA      #IMPLIED  -- list of axis names --
nowrap      (nowrap)   #IMPLIED  -- suppress word wrap --
bgcolor     %color     #IMPLIED  -- cell background color --
rowspan     NUMBER     1         -- number of rows spanned by cell --
colspan     NUMBER     1         -- number of cols spanned by cell --
%cell.halign;                    -- horizontal alignment in cells --
%cell.valign;                    -- vertical alignment in cells -->

Edwin Woudt

Received on Wednesday, 23 April 1997 17:19:15 UTC