Re: Tables, paragraphs, and structure (was Re: colours for bullets...)

Abigail wrote:
> One can use DIV around the paragraph and the list to indicate
> a relationship.

Using CSS, one can also give UL and OL a top margin that will draw it
closer to
the preceding paragraph. Neither this nor DIV really defines a
relationship in terms of meaning, just a physical grouping.

> It is a tree, though not as you mention it. HTML has elements, and
> elements are containers. If you make a directed graph G, where each
> vertex V in the graph represents an element el(V) in your document,
> there is a link from vertex V to vertex W, iff el (W) appears
> in el (V). Obviously, there cannot be a cycle: no element has 2
> parents, and no element can contain one of its ancestors. Hence G is
> tree.

I can see it's a tree of elements. But excepting text-level elements,
not very treeish in terms of structuring content in terms of meaning.
You can't consider a heading a general idea and follow branches from
the general to the specifics. Most documents are one-parent families
with sterile children.

David Perrell

Received on Friday, 18 April 1997 14:29:53 UTC