Re: end tags...

| # So, HTML should ideally be written independent of the browser (user
| # actually) which is to read it. [...] It's a pity that a lot
| # of people choose to mangle structural components to try and obtain
a look,
| # that is what CSS is for. And you can blame Netscape and MSIE for
| # their heels on this. (Well, maybe not MSIE as much.)
| Looking at their latest authoring tools, it's still <FONT FACE= SIZE=
| STYLE= BLINK= BARF= BARK= ETC=> all the way. I was a little surprised
at MS
| Internet Assistant, as I thought all that stuff would have taken
| of MSIE's stylesheet feature. Next version, maybe.

No, all the things you mentioned there are for "backwards"
compatibility ... and you know it... once they put the stuff in 2.0,
they can't just take it out ... and MS's own site designers know that
not everyone uses a CSS1 browser ...  this transittion to any kind of
style will take a while ... since you guys didn't want to take the fast
aproach ... you live with the slow one...

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 1996 13:58:36 UTC