Re: Java is not the only applet language! (fwd)

:>Once upon a time Ka-Ping Yee shaped the electrons to say...
:>>Excuse me, but how can the W3C possibly claim that Java is
:>>the only WWW applet programming language?
:>Simple - APPLET was developed by Sun specifically for Java Applets.  It is
:>not to be used for other languages.  OBJECT is meant for more generic use
:>and for developments going forward.  APPLET is Java only.,

Well, since Sun also developed the Tcl plugin for Netscape, and since
it also uses the APPLET tag, I'd have to say that APPLET isn't just
for Java anymore, and hasn't been for a while now.  Thank goodness
they didn't create a tcllet tag as well.


Received on Wednesday, 25 September 1996 10:39:00 UTC