Re: Simple(?) question on obscure comments detail

\\ First tried to ask on www-talk, but unfortunately no one could offer
\\ an authoritative answer yet there..
\\ RFC 1866 defines an HTML comment tag as "<!" followed by 0 or more
\\ comments followed by ">". A comment is defined as "anything but
\\ the '--' sequence, enclosed in '--'". Now, is the following tag
\\ a valid comment?
\\ <!-- hello--->
\\ Should a parser accept the first '-' of the three as part of the
\\ contents, or should it barf on the "->" stuff outside the first
\\ comment?
\\ Galactus

Intuition and the flex spec Dan Connoly had put together for the HTML
parser say the above is not a valid comment. There have to be an even
number of -- sequences within a <! and >, and the first -- has to
immediately follow the <!. There can be nothing but whitespace outside the
-- pairs.


Received on Thursday, 19 September 1996 16:46:04 UTC