Re: backgrounds

I wrote "Wouldn't it be nice if you could specify a background as an
animated GIF..." expecting some virulent response directed at me, not
the issue. A few comments re the response:

The message was facetious. But considering that CSS1 allows authors
to specify a non-scrolling background as a single image, a row of
images, or a column of images, there may be presentations in which an
animated background could be used to good effect.

An animated GIF takes up less bandwidth than alternatives that might
be used to achieve a similar effect. An animated GIF doesn't need 30
frames/second to be effective.

Content can be more than reference material or technical FAQs. I've
seen provocative web pages of animated art and poetry in which the
emotional content is very much dependent on the effects. And there
are surely instances where a simple animation is more illuminating
than many words.

One way or another, all content must be presented to be understood.

David Perrell

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 1996 10:39:43 UTC