Re: <a footnote="proposal">

 From: Peter Flynn <>
| In a document mythesis.html:
|    <a href="alpha_authors.html" rel="bibliography">
|    <a href="dept_index.html" rev="theses">
| In other words, REL is an "I made/own this object" and REV is a "this
| object made/owns me".

I don't think "made/own" describes the most usual cases.  I'd suggest
reading them as REL="it is my x" and REV="I am its x", where "it" should
be replaced with the URL of the target and x should be replaced by the
text of the rel or rev.

	 <a href="alpha_authors.html" rel="bibliography">
would be read "alpha_authors.html is my bibliography".

Another way to look at it is that the anchor (or link) expresses a
relationship between two resources and the REL or REV describes which
side of the relationship plays the named role.  REL says the target
plays the named role; REV says the source (the resource containing the
anchor or link) plays the named role.

This is an arbitrary rule - you just have to learn it.  The authors of
HTML could have chosen the opposite reading just as easily.


scott preece
motorola/mcg urbana design center	1101 e. university, urbana, il   61801
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Received on Wednesday, 16 October 1996 09:29:05 UTC