Re: HTML3.2?

:>Where is the PLAIN attribute for UL?
:>Where are the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes for TH and TD?
:>I made much use of these tags, but now, all of a sudden, they're removed
:>from the HTML3.2.dtd .. Why? Only because Netscape did not support them?

I don't think so.  Every 2.0+ version of Netscape that I've gotten
my hands on seems to support width attributes in TH and TD.  I haven't
ever tried height in a TH or TD though so I don't know about that one.

If it's not in 3.2, then 3.2 is wrong, but then I and others have been
saying that for a while.  If only other organizations, like the IETF,
would standardize bad but widely used things, maybe we'd all be using
MS's idiotic extensions to PPP by now.


Received on Wednesday, 5 June 1996 14:46:57 UTC