Re: Cougar DTD: Do not use CDATA declared content for SCRIPT wrote:

> In common practice I am seeing:
> <!--
> write whatever you want here
> -->
> This has the advantage of removing the problems with CDATA and end tags.

Not really.  If the SCRIPT element has CDATA declared content, 
then <!-- is parsed as data, not the beginning of a comment declaration,
so you have:

	put anything here except for an ETAGO delimiter-in-context.
	This still breaks:

If the SCRIPT element has (#PCDATA) as its content model, 
then you have:

	put anything here except for a COM delimiter.
	Now this breaks:

> It also ensure that the scripts will be invisible to older browsers.
> It has the disadvantage of putting your scripts into comments.

--Joe English

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 1996 18:49:54 UTC