Re: Cougar DTD extra character entities

> Ah, but not German? :-)
> I may as well be the first to suggest adding to these:
> <!ENTITY ldquor CDATA "&#8222;" -- rising dbl quote, left (low) -->
> <!ENTITY lsquor CDATA "&#8218;" -- rising single quote, left (low) -->
> Do we then need these, or do they necessarily map to the same
> character as rdquo and rsquo? (Perhaps I should have left such
> avocation to somone who writes the language.)
>   <!ENTITY rdquor CDATA "[rdquor]"--=rising dbl quote, right (high)-->
>   <!ENTITY rsquor CDATA "[rdquor]"--=rising single quote, right (high)-->

Actually, you need both types of quote in order to write German in the
proper way. In so far I also support your argument of sticking to the ISO
8879 names.

Frank Wegmann

Frank Wegmann                   voice: +49 234 700 24 61
Sprachwiss. Institut            fax  : +49 234 70 94 137
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Received on Thursday, 11 July 1996 07:43:45 UTC