Re: HTML/CGI: how do i use POST


Frank Naranjo wrote:
> 	dont know why U use MAIL  ????

I would say don't ask.. ;)

Anyway, there is something, that sounds strange to me, I'll mark it...

>      print MAIL "name=" $contents('name') \n;
I'M not shure, but *what* are you doing there?
didn't perl say anything in tests about these lines?

print MAIL "name= $contents('name') \n";

I would say... without any warenties, I use another format for these

variables from the form:


print MAIL <<EOF;
<h1> hi $args{name} </h1>

or, for single lines: 
print MAIL "<h1> Hi $args{name} </h1> \n";

does this help perhaps?

One point to add (I don't know what operating system you are using):
- is the program marked as executable?
- does the server support user-cgi-bins? (configuration)
- check permissions of fred.txt. that the Program is allowed to write into
  it (under what id are user-scriptng?)
- do a chdir to the right directory, that may help too.

ok, I think, that is the komplete list to check if something doesn't
work... and please, excuse my bad english, I hope you can understand it.

Wenn ich schon klicken muss, dann will ich auch ein Bildchen haben ...
(Gert zum fehlen der Bildchen im Directory-Listing vom FTP-WEB-Server)
                               *** 	  Simone Demmel		Muenchen (Germany)
Fax.: 089/354 59 80
    Member of The HTML Writers Guild (

Received on Friday, 13 December 1996 16:54:11 UTC