Re: wherefore CGM?

> Ian Graham wrote:
> > A recent Scientific American article (an isssue from
> > this past summer) described a new LCD display with
> > > 200 dpi resolution, in full color, and readable in 
> > daylight (I believe it was a passive panel that 
> > used reflective light) The researchers projected 600 
> > dpi before long. A display with the resolution of 
> > printed paper -- now that's an exciting prospect!
> Wow. 600ppi at 24 bits/pixel? That's much better than print. That's
> enough to dither for true photo quality. Was there any speculation when
> we'd get an 17" x 11" display? (Hmm... that's about a 14Gb display
> buffer. Not much hope for smooth animation any time soon!)

No time frames, unfortunately.  It was still a research project,
and the demonstration panels mesures only  3" x3", or thereabouts
(palm-sized).  I'll try and find the article this week, and
will mail you the volume and issue number.


> David Perrell

Received on Monday, 9 December 1996 09:41:14 UTC