Latest browser rankings from BrowserCaps (UdiWWW is currently #1)

BrowserCaps, the database of browser HTML support, has recently begun
ranking browsers based on their support for HTML constructs.  While
there are likely many weaknesses in the current ranking system (which
I'd love to have pointed out to me), I thought it might be interesting
to note the latest rankings as of this AM:

   1.UdiWWW-1-0-009 - Score: 88, Votes: 108, Coverage: 93%
   2.Mozilla-2-0b1-Macintosh - Score: 83, Votes: 462, Coverage: 93%
   3.PNET-Alpha1-1-Windows-16bit - Score: 83, Votes: 125, Coverage:
   4.Mozilla-2-0b1N-Windows - Score: 82, Votes: 98, Coverage: 93%
   5.Mozilla-2-0b1J-X11 - Score: 80, Votes: 325, Coverage: 93%
   6.Mozilla-2-0b1-Windows - Score: 80, Votes: 917, Coverage: 93%
   7.Mozilla-2-0b1-X11 - Score: 79, Votes: 362, Coverage: 95%
   8.Mozilla-2-0b1J-Windows - Score: 79, Votes: 535, Coverage: 93%
   9.NCSA-Mosaic-2-0-1-Macintosh - Score: 79, Votes: 53, Coverage: 91%
  10.Emacs-W3-2-3-14-URL-1-4-X11 - Score: 78, Votes: 46, Coverage: 93%

For more information, see

David Ornstein
Personal Info:

Received on Monday, 20 November 1995 13:30:43 UTC