FOOTNOTE element

I'd like to put in a bid to have the FN element restored. Here's why.

1) The content model of the <P> element makes it impossible to embed a
   footnote inside of a paragraph, so that something like this:

     Here is some text that needs a footnote<NOTE role=footnote>An out of band
     transmission</NOTE> inside of the paragraph.
     The next paragraph.

   Ends up getting formatted like this:

     Here is some text that needs a footnote
     [*] inside of the paragraph.

     The next paragraph.

   Instead of this:

     Here is some text that needs a footnote[*] inside of the paragraph.

     The next paragraph.

2) I don't think that the content model of NOTE is restrictive enough for a
   footnote element. Footnotes should be short, so things like tables and
   embedded notes and lists don't belong there. It would not be appropriate
   to restrict the content model of NOTE however, so a different element is
   needed for that purpose.

Michael Johnson
Relay Technology, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 1995 13:58:39 UTC