Re: Suppress scroll bars - an idea

> I have a suggestion for another style attribute:  no-scrollbars.  I don't
> know about any of you, but I find it tiresome to use a scrollbar on a long
> page, or have to shift to using the keyboard PgUp/PgDn keys to navigate. 
> My idea for a <style> attribute would turn off the browser scroll-bars (if
> it has any), and use paging buttons instead to format the presentation (if
> appropriate for the browser).  I'm thinking of a set of buttons somewhere
> on the controls for the browser, or on the page itself, which would let
> you go one page forward, backwards, to the top, or to the bottom.


> Any comments?

It seems like there are two concepts here: paging and the lack of scroll
bars.  Paging is provided for through "LINK." 

     The link references the next document to visit in a guided tour. 
     The link references the previous document in a guided tour. 

A lack of scroll bars is just a browser-developer issue.  If a document
cannot be scrolled, the browser could dump the (useless) scroll bars to save 
screen real-estate.

Have I misunderstood your suggestion?

 Paul Prescod

Received on Tuesday, 4 July 1995 07:21:24 UTC