Re: Wish List for New Spec

I'd like a standard way to make a

  +- Group Box -------------+
  |                         |
  |  (*) Item One           |
  |  ( ) Item Two           |

It is possible to "fake" it using tightly-formatted tables, but that
requires a nightmare of code (and can break if the fonts used with it are
too large).

The idea came to mind when I saw the main graphic at, and I made
something inspired by that <>.

It would be nice to do this without requiring Netscape-specific extensions.


    Walter Ian Kaye <>       | Excel | FoxPro | AppleScript |
          Mountain View, CA              |--------- programmer ---------|     |   Macintosh    |   Windows   |

Received on Friday, 22 December 1995 06:07:36 UTC