Re: partial URLs ? (was <p> ... </p>)

At 10:40 am 12/19/95 -0800, Walter Ian Kaye wrote:
><A HREF="index.html"><IMG SRC="../gifs/btnhome3.gif" ALT="[Home]" border=1></A>
><A HREF="../map.html"><IMG SRC="../gifs/btnmap3.gif" ALT="[Index]"

>(I'm gonna be changing the form and cgi soon, btw, cuz Lynx doesn't like
>partial URLs -- tho' Netscape handles this form perfectly.)

   The problem with the parial URLs may be the "../" references. 

   Some servers, and perhaps some browsers too, disallow them because 
they've been abused to get around security measures. 

 * BearHeart / Bill Weinman 
 * *            * *
 * Author of The CGI Book:    * *
 * Trust everyone, but brand your cattle. 

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 1995 14:19:26 UTC