error in html 4.01 spec (Dec 1999)


I don't know whether the HTML spec is still maintained, but I ran
into the following problem:

Document version: 24 December 1999 specification of HTML 4.01
Section: 17.1 Introduction to Forms
Problem: The "simple form" example is wrong.

While the example is not illegal, it is highly misleading, because
when you try it only the value of the radio button is submitted. Considering
that a lot can go wrong setting up cgi scripts etc., the beginning user
can waste a lot of time before he figures out what the cause is.
The cause: the <INPUT> elements have an 'id' attribute, but for form
submission (to become a "successful control"), a control must have a 'name'
attribute. Presumably that was the author's intention.

Marcel van der Goot

Received on Monday, 6 November 2006 02:28:05 UTC