xml:space undeclared in DTD for elements "script" and "style"


I think that there is an error regarding the "xml:space" attribute in the 
new DTDs published with XHTML Modularization 1.1 (13 February 2006). Sorry 
in advance if I am mistaken or I have missed any other report about the 
same problem.

I've tried to validate a XHTML 1.1 document with a "xml:space" attribute 
inside a "script" element. I've got this error (using Xerces-J 2.6):

[Error] index.html:389:61: Attribute "xml:space" must be declared for 
element type "script".

I've downloaded and analysed the updated modules declarations. It seems 
that xml:space has been removed from the attlist of "script", "style" and 
"pre", and included in the entity "Core.attrib" (see xhtml-attribs-1.mod),
which is included also in "Common.attrib".

<!ENTITY % Core.attrib
       xml:space    ( preserve )             #FIXED 'preserve'
<!ENTITY % Common.attrib

However, "style" and "script" don't reference "Core.attrib" nor 
"Common.attrib" from their attlist. The consequence is that "style" and 
"script" doesn't allow the "xml:space" attribute. Should them reference 
the "Core.attrib" entity?

From "xhtml-style-1.mod" and "xhtml-script-1.mod":

<!ENTITY % style.attlist  "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %style.qname;
       type         %ContentType.datatype;   #REQUIRED
       media        %MediaDesc.datatype;     #IMPLIED
<!-- end of style.attlist -->]]>

<!ENTITY % script.attlist  "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %script.qname;
       charset      %Charset.datatype;       #IMPLIED
       type         %ContentType.datatype;   #REQUIRED
       src          %URI.datatype;           #IMPLIED
       defer        ( defer )                #IMPLIED
<!-- end of script.attlist -->]]>

The files I'm reporting about are dated in 2006/02/13 and published in:


Best regards,

Jesús Arias Fisteus
Telematic Engineering Department
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2006 16:49:47 UTC