Re: [XHTML 2] 24.1 archive attribute (PR#7756)


The preloading was an artifact from HTML 4. We have removed the text.

> Dear HTML Working Group,
> In the archive attribute of the object element What does "preloaded" mean, 
> please provide a normative definition of the term.
> Does this preloading depend on if the object is successful or will the URIs 
> always be "preloaded" regardless of the success of the element, i.e. even if 
> the user agent cannot render the type application/x.chickens in the example 
> below, the preload should still be loaded?
> <object src="chickens" srctype="application/x.chickens" 
> archive="" />
> Regards,
> Jim Ley 

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 16:02:50 UTC