Re: Width attribute of TD element: %Length or %Pixels

Josh Birnbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD (1/26/00) concerning
> the Width attribute of the TD element.  It states:
> <!ATTLIST td
>   width       %Pixels;       #IMPLIED
> Now, in HTML 4.01 (12/24/99) the DTD states:
> <!ATTLIST (TH|TD)                      -- header or data cell --
>   width       %Length;       #IMPLIED  -- width for cell -
> Going even further back, we have the following from the 8/24/99 HTML4.01
> DTD:
> <!ATTLIST (TH|TD)                      -- header or data cell --
>   width       %Pixels;       #IMPLIED  -- width for cell --
> So, the definition of the attribute has flipped between %Pixels and %Length.

Hi Josh,

To my knowledge, the HTML WG resolved (around 22 December 1999) that
the width attribute should be of type %Length;, not %Pixels; 
in order to allow percentage values as well. Thus, I believe
that the HTML 4.01 spec has it right.

 - Ian

> I've used percentages for this value, which is only valid when the attribute
> is defined as %Length.  The archives of the www-html list go into the
> various reasons why people want to use this value as a percentage-I use it
> to keep a column the same relative size regardless of screen size.  I know
> there are better ways to do this, but I'm trying to keep things functional
> for older browsers.  So, the question is, was this change intentional?  Or
> did the XHTML 1.0 spec just not pick up the latest changes from the HTML
> 4.01 spec?  Will this change?
> Thanks for any clarification people can provide.
> Josh Birnbaum

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2000 20:04:49 UTC