Re: Huge problem with HTML40 stylesheet

L. David Baron wrote:
> If this requires issuing a new version of the spec (although I don't
> think it should), I think it should be done.  W3C should be setting a
> good example on how to use stylesheets.  (And yes, I do bug the
> stylesheet people about their pages not validating.)


I entirely agree. We have just begun adopting a global
style sheet for W3C tech reports that is much more
stylish while also being more accessible. For an
example, see [1].

Meanwhile, we will be publishing a revision of the
HTML 4.0 spec soon and I'll fix the style issue at that
time. Thank you for taking the time to write us
about this.

  - Ian


Ian Jacobs (

Received on Saturday, 27 February 1999 10:45:08 UTC