bad link in HTML 4.0 specs


  I downloaded htp://
an found that html files in the root entry of the archive contain
some links to references.html as "../references.html#ref-somekindofref"
where the working link should be "./references.html#ref-somekindofref"
(used as such nearly everywhere).

   I did no verifications on the OnLine documents.



ps: i just found this on links.tml's line 72 (source). whether I'm really
bad at understanding english or it lacks something :)

<P>Even if a user agent does not have enough information to
correctly process a
it should make a best attempt at pro

Also found, on line 99 (source) of the same file:
<a href="links.html#adef-href"><samp class="ainst">href</samp></a>attribute
...                                                             ^^^^
I would have inserted a space at the marked place.

Received on Thursday, 22 October 1998 10:55:18 UTC