Re: disabled controls bindset failure

On 31/08/2010, Ronald van Kuijk <> wrote:
>   In betterForm I get this error (after switching ' to " and vice-versa)
> xforms-binding-exception: property 'relevant' already present at model item
> *URL: *
> *Element causing Exception:*/html[1]/head[1]/xf:model[1]/xf:bind[2]
> *
> *This is not allowed according to the spec and an error should be
> thrown... Personally I always have 2 different XForms processors
> (BetterFORM and Orbeon, but I always use the former)  that I use to
> check if I'm wrong or the engine.
> So if Mozilla XForms does not complain, it is in violation of the spec
> (see point 2 in
> It can be solved by changing it to one bind:
> <xf:bind nodeset="stage" relevant="../purpose='ewbrl' or
> ../purpose='nibrf'" />
This does not work so perhaps there is (another) bug with mozilla
xforms plug-in. If you know of another cross-platform web browser I
could use to test xforms please tell me, thank you.

Received on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 10:54:14 UTC