Refreshed Firefox Implementation Report

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This implementation report has been updated due to recently updated
testcases and test status changes when tested with the 0.8.6ff2 and
0.8.6.ff3 XForms extensions available on Firefox 2 and Firefox 3,
respectively.  Also, Chapter 1, Appendix G and Appendix H were removed from
the implementation report for clarity (but still included in the archive

Please find the enclosed report (in the zip file) with the results from the
test cases in the W3C XForms 1.1 Test Suite [1] tested with the Firefox
XForms Extension (0.8.6)[2], a still-in-progress implementation for the
XForms 1.1 specification[3]. Please note, these tests are only a snapshot
view at a point of time as work continues on the XForms extension.

To view these results, simply load the ResultsTable.html file in your
preferred browser.  A local version of the W3C XForms 1.1 Test Suite has an
XForms version of the driver pages which allow a tester to save the test's
date-of-test-run and status-of-test to a local file system in a set of XML
files. These files were used to generate the html files in this report, and
were included in the zip for completeness.

(See attached file:

For Firefox 2, out of 417 Normative tests, 336 tests Passed (81%)
For Firefox 3, out of 413 Normative tests, 329 tests Passed (80%)



Received on Friday, 9 January 2009 18:41:38 UTC