Forms Task Force, Background (was: Re: Preparing to launch the Forms Task Force ...)

Dharmesh, all,

as you might have heard, the W3C has founded a new 
  HTML WG to develop HTML5. Although XForms has 
its place both by itself and in XHTML 2, it is not 
clear yet what forms solution with end up in 
HTML5. There will be a joint task force between 
the HTML and Forms WGs:
"The HTML WG and the Forms Working Group will work 
together in this Task Force to ensure that the new 
HTML forms and the new XForms Transitional have 
architectural consistency and that document 
authors can transition between them"
(taken from the HTML WG charter:

XForms Transitional is the work done by this 
www-forms community and Dave Raggett on XForms 
Tiny over the last months, it has been renamed 
into XForms Transitional to avoid confusion since 
its not a strict subset of XForms 1.0/1.1.

Hope this helps,

- Sebastian

Dharmesh Mistry schrieb:
> I think I may of missed something here, but what is this all about?
> How does this with xForms?
> Confused..............D
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* on behalf of Dave Raggett
> *Sent:* Mon 12/03/2007 5:34 PM
> *To:*;
> *Subject:* Preparing to launch the Forms Task Force ...
> With Dan Connolly's approval, I am preparing a web page for the HTML
> Forms Task Force that was called for in the charters for the HTML
> and Forms working groups. To make it easier for people to
> contribute, we would like to provide a wiki. In the short term it
> would be easiest for the W3C Systems Team to support the MoinMoin
> wiki, but Dan and I have our eyes on the Semantic MediaWiki as a
> better long term solution, along with its improved support for
> machine processing of Wiki materials.
> As a starting point, the Task Force would be expected to collect use
> cases and assumptions, followed by work on the basic design choices
> that flow from them. Whilst it might seem easier to start from a
> detailed proposal and to discuss tweaks to that, we are more likely
> to end up with a concensus across the wide variety of experience and
> opinions in the two working groups if we start by building a shared
> vocabulary and a common grounding in the use cases and assumptions.
> I should have a rough web page in place by the end of this week.
> Please let us know what you think about the potential for using a
> wiki for collecting information and writing specifications in an
> open forum. What tools should we be looking at?
> p.s. the requirements of the W3C Patent Policy may limit write
> access to working group members, at least for some parts of the wiki
> involving technical contributions. I will try and get some clearer
> guidance as to what this involves. Working Group membership is
> essentially open to anyone able to comply with the Patent Policy,
> see for more details.
>   Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 01:14:30 UTC