Re: <repeat/> Element

>> 1) Please read the XPath data model again.  The document element (color in your example below) has a parent.
>> It's just not an element.
> "Every node other than the root node has exactly one parent" ...

Ivan, you are mixing-up "document element" and "root node". See the 
following in the XPath spec (emphasis mine):

"The root node is the root of the tree. A root node does not occur 
except as the root of the tree. *The element node for the document 
element is a child of the root node*. The root node also has as children 
processing instruction and comment nodes for processing instructions and 
comments that occur in the prolog and after the end of the document 

The root node of a document is not an *element* node, it is a *document* 
node, which itself has an element child, called the document element.


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2007 03:14:44 UTC