Re: filter thoughts

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>       just a thought, but is there any reason that in a submission element
> there couldn't be attributes like:
> outfilter="some-bind-or-embeddedxsltref or url"
> infilter="some-bind-or-embeddedxsltref or url"
> ?
> or even outfilterchain=""!

I think this is a great idea, as I'm sure will many who read it. I had
a slightly different take on how to add it to XForms though, but the
goal is much the same.

There have been some additions to XForms lately to give the author
access to data at various stages of processing--just before
submission, after submission errors, and so on. This sets things up
nicely for exactly what you are talking about; the thing to do would
be to allow an action handler that performs a transformation on _any_
node, placing the result at _any_ position desired.

The reason I would prefer this to having an attribute on submission,
is that firstly it could be used at any point in an action,
independent of submission. And secondly it means that it need not be
part of the core language--not every processor would be required to
implement XSLT.

The final piece of the jigsaw is that a prime candidate for providing
such actions is the proposed pipeline language, which is currently
being developed as a standalone language, but which would be far more
useful as a set of actions that could be used in any language. Any
thoughts on that Erik? :)

Best regards,


Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

t: +44 (0) 20 7689 9232

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Received on Monday, 6 November 2006 09:52:12 UTC