Re: Does your XForms implementation support XPath 2.0

Richard Braman wrote:
> I would just like to take an informal survey of what Xforms 
> implementations that support XPath 2.0.  If you do please respond with 
> what library you use.
> I know already
> Orbeon soes in OPS 3.01 and uses Saxon 8.1

Note: we are in the process of moving to Saxon 8.7 real-soon-now(tm).

Our multi-year experience with XPath 2.0 now (we have been using the 
Saxon implementation of the XPath 2.0 drafts right from the beginning) 
is that 2.0 is a huge boon, in particular for XForms. But I think that 
at this point the working group is aware of the importance of moving in 
the direction of XPath 2.0 in the future, but that will be in the scope 
of post XForms 1.1 work. In the meanwhile, it is up to implementations 
to provide XPath 2.0 extensions.


Received on Friday, 24 March 2006 19:32:56 UTC