Wildcard in the <value> element


I am looking at the XForms schema at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/2002/XForms-Schema.xsd.   It is unclear to me why the <value> element supports mixed content (as opposed to simple content).

The <value> element can only occur within an <item> or an <itemset>.  No?

>From the paragraphs beginning with "Data Binding Restrictions: any simpleContent" (in Select and Select1), I infer that, when a <value> occurs within an <item>, it must be a simple type.  Am I wrong? 

As for <itemset>, it is unclear to me how <value> can be used within an <itemset>, given that a <value> would provide a single value and not a nodeset.   The specification of the <itemset> element describes the use of the <copy> element but not the use of the <value> element.

So my question is, in what cases (if any) would a <value> element contain a child element?

Thanks in advance,

Alessandro Triglia

Received on Friday, 21 July 2006 17:37:52 UTC